
Baby pictures

Here are a few pictures from a baby session. This sweet boy was around a month old and his grand mother called me to take some images as a surprise for her daughter in law's birthday. It was very touching to see how caring the dad was with his new little boy, I hope next time I'll get both parents behind my camera.
Baby's grow up so fast, we're all aware that there is no time to even blink. There are a few stages that we should record with photography images, the first one being their first 2 weeks . After I delivered my children, every visitor we had would say :" Oh, I forgot how small they are!" talking about my newborn. And it's true, they'll fit in your palms during those first 2 weeks of life, then they just won't fit anymore. I regret not taking enough pictures of my children, I really wish now I would have photos of my babies cupped in my hands, their tiny feet, little fingers wrapped around mine... It's a short window of time, and it's easy to let it go by, we just had one of the most remarkable experience of our life with the delivery,( and there really isn't much of a break to get over all it's "side effects"), and then we have this amazing little person, for whom we feel the most intense love, to care for (I remember that being quite a frightening responsibility and thinking the hospital staff must simply be out of their mind to send me out after a short 3 days), there is so much to adapt to, having pictures done is the last thing on our mind. But my advice to all the new moms is to not miss that first stage, no matter how much I'm willing to invest now, I'll never get these shots of my children.
Coming soon I'll post a few pictures of newborns.

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