

I hardly ever blog about us, but yesterday was so much fun, I couldn't resist sharing a few pictures. I say a few, but I might have gotten carried away as these are my favorite people in the world, I have a very hard time with making a small selection.
My son, Will is now 10 years old, and I swear that only yesterday I was in the hospital holding him a newborn in my arms. It's true, there is no time to blink, they grow so fast. He's now probably 5,2, comes up to my nose and wears a size 7.5 man shoes!!! He's on his way to be taller than his dad..
We've been enjoying my family, who's been visiting from France, and have been spending time with them at the beach, as it's spring break.
For a couple of days there was a purple flag raised, warning beach goers from dangerous critter, following are pictures of a Portuguese Man-of-War. Many had washed on the shore and my children stayed real busy popping them and burying them deep in the sand.

They are highly venomous creatures.  Somehow they're a colony of species, not just one.  It was interesting to read about them, kind of creepy, mostly scary to know they were all over and so dangerous.
Burial process,

Mission accomplished, we spend a good part of the day digging holes for them.  They looked like water bottles scattered on the shore.

And yesterday, Will was one lucky boy: he had his first taste of surf, with an hour lesson taught by surfer legend Yancy Spencer the third.  It was so much fun watching him having the time of his life.  He managed to stand on the board on his first try, and many more times afterwards, and had the largest grin stuck on his face.  It was Will's idea to get a lesson, before I signed him up for a week summer camp.  Very wisely, he suggested to try and see if he liked it first.
Well, it was such a success, we headed straight to Innerlight (the big local surf store), to buy his first board.  There, we realized who Yancy is and the magnitude of his authority on the sport, and feel very privilege that he introduced Will to surfing.

The board went flying in the air, I'm not sure what happen to Will then..

I bet he will be sore today.

Magalie was dying to try it, and Yancy took her out too, just far enough.

Here's the happy bunch,


laura b. said...

it never ceases to amaze me how photographs can evoke so many emotions.. Throughout this blog, I can feel the innocence in the face of a child, I can smell the salty ocean waters and feel the gentle breezes of the Gulf, I see the wonder and joy in the eyes of new parents and moms to be. I can see and feel the joy and happiness during ceremonies of life's most memorable and precious moments. To be able to have the skill to capture the true essence of this "scenery" of life is truly a blessingI. These snippets of the world are alive through photography which to me, is an absolutely astonishing feat. The talent of the author of this blog is no less than extraordinary.....

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